As the only manager at the table, Andrea shared his experience in entrepreneurial ventures and shared his approach to creating value: “My goal has always been to leave companies with better financial and economic results than when I arrived. How? Encouraging the creation of a strong management team that can facilitate generational change without ever distorting the family’s vision and values; entrepreneurs have taught me a lot about this: attention to people, to detail, to quality.” He then added, getting more directly into the theme of governance and diversity: “Forming a Board of Directors with external and independent members is fundamental, and I have always sought to promote this step. It’s then important to listen to it, accepting contributions and new ideas that can help us grow.”
The event was organized by the AIDAF-EY Chair in Strategic Management in Family Business and supported by the Chamber of Commerce of Milan – MonzaBrianza – Lodi, the Italian Stock Exchange, and the Angelini Pharma Foundation.