The group consists of successful entrepreneurs who developed great experience and knowledge of their industry and, sharing the idb strategy, choose to become partners and actively participate in support of its development.
The companies ensure the quality and safety of the products, encouraging innovation and the development of sustainable products.
Each company is committed to respecting the ecosystem, considering the environment in a broad sense in order to reduce environmental impact.
It is important to guarantee transparency in the choice of materials, ensuring compliance with quality standards and limiting environmental impact.
The Group’s companies are strongly linked to the territory in which they operate and contribute to the economic development of the local areas and communities, contributing to the generation of jobs.
For Dexelance, it is a priority to ensure ethical business conduct across the board, engaging in anti-corruption efforts and compliance with socio-economic and environmental regulations while guaranteeing business continuity.

Dexelance acknowledges the Code's values as crucial to its mission, corporate culture, and business model, enforcing binding rights, duties, and responsibilities for its business partners.